Sunday, September 21, 2014

Let Calm on the Brain

Following is a poem I wrote specifically villanelle poetic form
More info at

Let the thoughts drip like drops on the chrome drain
Perfection implanted, a distant dream
Wait a minute and let calm on the brain

Approach her, let troubling nerves be slain
One slip up, an unknown stream
Let the thoughts drip like drops on the chrome drain

Slurring words like the high mind on cocaine
Night is young and free, a newborn light beam
Wait a minute and let calm on the brain

Hour passes under the dim lights
Will she hear over all of the loud screams?
Let the thoughts drip like drops on the chrome drain

Lock eyes for a mere second, meet disdain
Her cheeks with the blush of strawberry ice cream
Wait a minute and let calm on the brain

Sting of rejection is the sharpest pain
Walk away, to a trusted friend, blow off steam
Let the thoughts drip like drops on the chrome drain
Wait a minute and let calm on the brain